Our Story.

Our Northern California cattle ranching genes started with Nathaniel Thomasson.

Nathaniel Thomasson was born in Tennessee in 1836 and married Caroline Richardson in Butte, California in 1876

Circa 1895. Nathaniel and Caroline Thomasson with their children, Effie, Beryl Verne, Lester (Jack), Zelma, and Nathaniel Jr.

Circa 1895. Nathaniel and Caroline Thomasson with their children, Effie, Beryl Verne, Lester (Jack), Zelma, and Nathaniel Jr.

The story of Nathaniel and Caroline [Richardson] Thomasson is locally famous and I won’t get into it here but give me a shout if you’d like to hear it, the story is very exciting- very much what you’d want in an “old west” tale.

Circa 1900 in Chico Meadows. Georgia Swearinger, Zelma Lorena Thomasson, Ethel Bruce, Nathaniel H. Thomasson, Herman Orlando Bruce.

Circa 1900 in Chico Meadows. Georgia Swearinger, Zelma Lorena Thomasson, Ethel Bruce, Nathaniel H. Thomasson, Herman Orlando Bruce.

Beryl Verne Thomasson was born in 1880, and married Daisy Honodel in 1903. They had two children, Norma Beryl who died as an infant, and Harold Verne born in 1906.

William Thomas McClard, Alonzo Allen Richardson, Elizabeth Richardson McClard, Caroline Richardson Thomasson, Emily Elizabeth Wright Richardson, Pierce Chamberlain Richardson and Verne Thomasson.

William Thomas McClard, Alonzo Allen Richardson, Elizabeth Richardson McClard, Caroline Richardson Thomasson, Emily Elizabeth Wright Richardson, Pierce Chamberlain Richardson and Verne Thomasson.

Harold Verne Thomasson married Gwenllian Lemen and had our grandfather, then came our mother, and then us. Our family does not own all the land it had when Nathaniel was alive, most of it is now the city of Chico, and the foothills surrounding. But our love of the cattle business has survived the generations.

The Brownfield Family, 2021

The small army of family and friends who help out with the cattle.

And of course, the small army of family and friends who help out with the cattle on branding days and such.